
Advertise your business at TheHytaleForum and we make sure that your business grows.

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Why to Advetise Here

Our forum is getting bigger and bigger over the time and it can provide amazing opportunities to people who want to be succsessful in their emergin business. We provide one of the cheapest prices in the Hytale industry.

If you have a Hytale business, this is the best way to promote it, because our audience is 100% Hytale targeted, so only interested people will see your ads and you'll get a lot more clicks on your ads at TheHytaleForum than average if your business is about Hytale. We also provide discounts if you want to buy advertising or promote multiple business in bulk.

Pricing & Types of Advertisements

We offer different methods to advertise on our website. With this advertisements, you can grow your business and get many views. Please read down here to see what we offer and the pricing.

Sticky Post

Sticky posts is one of the most reliable types of advertisements on our Forum. This one is the most purchased advertising type. With your thread being sticky, everyone will see your thread as first and all the interested people will click on your thread. Because of this, you'll get a very high CTR. The sticky threads cost $10/month.

Sidebar Square

The sidebar square is a cheap advertisement but very reliable. You will be visible on multiple pages including the home page and you will be visible on the sidebar for everyone. Thanks to this, if your business it Hytale-related, you will get a lot of interested people in your business. The price for this is advertisement is $15/month.

Top Banner

The Top banner advertisement is one of the greatest advertisement type that we offer. Everyone who enters TheHytaleForum, will see a big banner on the top of the website about your business. You will be visible for everyone and attarct the attention. This advertisement cost $20/month.

How to Advertise

If you want to advertise your business on TheHytaleProject, please contact us at [email protected]

We will answer your e-mail within 48 hours and discuss about the advertising.

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